Acum 5 ani mi s-a infirapat in minte si suflet ideea ca voi avea o cariera in acest sport,in acest moment un show ieftin,acum 20 de ani unul dintre principalele puncte de atractie ale televiziunii americane.S-a nascut odata cu rock'ul,a crescut odata cu rock'ul si a involuat odata cu rock'ul insa nu v-a muri niciodata.
Inca din anii '50 cand o televiziune americana locala s-a hotarat sa difuzeze un meci de wrestling iar acesta a facut un rating socant de mare pentru un sport care abia lua contact cu lumea din afara circuitelor independente.Acea televiziune a urmat sa difuzeze meciui in fiecare saptamana intr-o anumita zi,mai tarziu celelalte mari televiziuni ale americii au inceput sa difuzeze cu regularitate acest sport abia aparut pe piata dar care a vrajit pe toata
lumea prin manevre simple si totusi spectaculoase,rezultate adevarate,arbitraj corect,lipsa coregrafiilor penibile din ziua de azi si a pornografiei si a strategiei si povestilor de viata a sportivilor in general.
Dupa un proces agonizant de cativa zeci de ani,wrestling'ul avea sa ajunga sa fie difuzat de cele mai importante televiziuni din america cu un program bine stabilit,difuzat in mai multe zile ale saptamanii astfel luand nastere Raw,ECW,Smackdown si mult mai tarziu Superstars.
In mijlocul anilor '80 a inceput nebunia numita RockN'Wrestling prin care diferite staruri rock sau wrestleri isi faceau aparitia in cele 2 lumi aparent atat de diferite dar totusi identice.(am vorbit despre asta aici: cu anii '80 au inceput si PPV'urile,evenimentele speciale care au loc in medie de 2 ori pe luna(difera de la an la an)unde centurile sunt puse pe masa in meciuri cu diferite clauze speciale,depinde de PPV.Dar pe langa PPV'urile lunare s-a nascut scena suprema a sportului international,cel mai mare eveniment sportiv dupa o
limpiada(nu o spun eu,o spun statisticile),WrestleMania,singurul eveniment sportiv de acest gen care a strans 93.000 oameni in Madison Square Garden(o lacrima mi se scurge pe obraz)...Dupa anii '80 a urmat cu siguranta cea mai exploziva era din istoria wrestling'ului,meciurile erau duse la un alt nivel,oameni cu nornalitatea indoielnica ca Mick Foley sau Terry Funk se luptau pana la ultima picatura de sange in meciuri cu sarma ghimpata si socuri electrice lipsa uneia din urechi sau 2-3 coste rupte nefiind un impediment atat de mare in asi continua cariera.A inceput era Attitude,condusa,bine inteles de Stone Cold Steve Austin(cu siguranta favoritul meu all time!)si odata cu aceasta noua decada a venit un alt val de muzica in wrestling,muzica pe care intrau superstarurile era mult mai "heavy",Triple H isi lua in primire melodia cantata de Motorhead si intreaga muzica din wrestling avea sa se scchimbe,hard rock'ul si heavy metal'ul de
venind dupa anii '00 deja muzica semnatura a acestui sport.
Probabil nimeni nu a citit aceasta scurta istorie pe care am scris-o cu mult drag,dar am considerat ca e de datoria mea sa o fac,deci fie ca ati citi-o fie ca nu eu ma simt mandra ca fac parte din universul WWE(m-as fi simtit mai mandra daca faceam parte din universul WWF da,ma rog).Am facut acest top,cu siguranta cel "mai de suflet" pe care l-am facut vreodata dar am vrut sa astept un moment oportun pentru a-l posta,ma gandeam sa astept 100.000 de vizualizari dar nu as mai fi rezistat.
Acestea fiind spuse,am adunat 100 de melodii,cele mai bune 100 de melodii rock din wrestling.Cu siguranta,sunt mult mai multe si daca fiecare PPV din ultimii ani ar fi avut o melodie rock as fi facut un top 200.Am combinat temele muzicale ale superstarurilor cu cele ale PPV'urilor.De asemenea nu am pus melodiile superstarurilor din TNA.
Veti vedea multe trupe de care probabil nu ati auzit,eu niste melodii chiar bune si nu am pus veteranii rock'ului neparat pe primele locuri pentru a da "o sansa" acestor "trupe tinere" care s-au putut promova prin industria wrestling'ului.
Pentru cei care au orice intrebare despre lumea wrestling'ului,sunt aici dispusa sa va raspund la intrebari:D.
Acestea fiind spuse,va prezint cu mult drag 100 Cele mai Bune Melodii din Wrestling:
100. WWE Hell in a Cell 2009 theme song:Skillet-Monster
99. Ultimate Warrior’s theme song:Jim Johnston-The Ultimate Warrior
98. Smackdown theme song:Green Day-Know your enemy
97. WWE Survivor Series 2007:The Hives-Tick Tick Boom
96. WWE Night of Champions 2010 theme song:Two steps from hell-Freefall
95. WWE Royal Rumble 2010 theme song I:Skillet-Hero
94. WWF Raw is War theme song:Anthrax-Thorn in your eye
93. WWE Survivor Series 2006 theme song:Hazen Street-Are you ready
92. WWE Vengeace 2001 theme song:Drowing Pool-Sinner
91. WWE Backlash 2006 theme song:Danko Jones-Baby Hates Me
90. Beth Pheonix’theme song:Jim Johnson-Glamazon
89. WWE Bad Blood 2003 theme song:Trapt-Headstrong
88. WWE Wrestlemania 18 theme song:Drowing pool-Save me
87. WWE The Bash 2009 theme song-Aranda-Whywannabringmedown
86. Ashley’s theme song:Aiden-Light a fire
85. WWE Raw theme song(2003-2006):Underground Union-Across the nation
84. WWE Raw (old) theme song:Papa Roach-to be loved
83. WWF Wrestlemania III:Aretha Franklin-America the Beautiful
82. WWE Wrestlemania 21 theme song:3 Doors Down-Behind those eyes
81. WWE Wrestlemania 20 theme song I:Drowing pool-Step up
80. WWE Wrestlemania 20 theme song II:Godsmack-Touche
79. WWE Wrestlemania 18 theme song II:Saliva-Superstar
78. WWE Armageddon 2008 theme song:Guns N’Roses-Chinese Democracy
77. Test & Albert w/Trish Stratus theme song:Richard di Fonzo-Emergency
76. WWE The Great American Bash 2005 theme song:Eric & The Hostiles-Pay the Price
75. WWE Royal Rumble 2007 theme song:Rise Against-Drones
74. WWE Bragging Rights 2010 theme song:Politics & Assassins-It’s your last shot
73. WWE No way out 2005 theme song:Fozzy-Enemy
72. WWE Bragging Rights 2010 theme song:Politics & Assassins-It’s your last shot
71. WWF Wrestlemania II-Ray Charles-America the Beautiful
70. WWE No way out 2009 theme song:Saliva-Hunt you down
69. WWF Wrestlemania III theme song:Aretha Franklin-Who’sZoomin’ Who?
68. WWF Wrestlemania I theme song:Philip Bailey & Phil Collins-Easy Lover
67. WWF Survivor Series 2001 theme song:Puddle of Mudd-Control
66. WWE Extreme Rules 2011 theme song:Rev Theory-Justice
65. WWE One night stand 2007 theme song:Puddle of mud-Famous
64. WWE The Great American Bash 2006 theme song:Black Stone Cherry-Lonely Train
63. WWE No Mercy 2005 theme song:Shinedown-Save me
62. WWE Bad Blood 2004 theme song:Seether-Sold me
61. WWE Unforgiven 2002 theme song:Given Rossdale-Adrenalina
60. WWE Summerslam 2004 theme song:Rush-Summertime blues
59. Randy Orton’s (old) theme song:Mercy Drice-Burn in my light
58. WWE Elimination Chamber 2012 theme song:Nickelback-This means war
57. WWE Extreme Rules 2010 theme song:Saliva-Time to Shine
56. WWE Judgement Day 2008 theme song:Zididada-Take it all
55. Raw theme song:Nickelback-Burn into the ground
54. Batista’s theme song:Saliva-I walk alone
53. WWE Bragging Rights 2009 theme song:Maylene & The Sons of Disaster-Step up(I’m on it)
52. WWE No way Out 2003 theme song:Evanescence-Bring me to life
51. Jeff Hardy’s Theme Song: EndeverafteR-No more words
50. WWE TLC 2009 theme song:Switchfoot-Bullet soul
49. WWE Unforgiven 2006 theme song:Day of Fire-Run
48. Hulk Hogan’s theme song:Rick Darringer-Real American
47. Bret Hart’s theme song:Jim Johnston-Hitman
46. WWE Wrestlemania 24 theme song II :Red Hot Chili Peppers-Snow(Hey,oh)
45. WWE Royal Rumble 2012 theme song:Switchfoot-Dark Horses
44. WWE Extreme Rules 2009 theme song:Sick Puppies-Your Going Down
43. WWE Wrestlemania 23 theme song I:Saliva-Ladies and Gentlemans
42. Drew McIntyre’theme song:Shaman’s Ahrvet-Broken Dreams
41. WWE Wrestlemania 23 theme songs II:Default-The memory will never die
40. Cactus Jack’s theme song II:
39. Sandman’s theme song:Metallica-Enter Sandman
38. WWE Wrestlemania 25 theme song II:AC/DC-War Machine
37. WWE Judgement Day 2007 theme song:Ozzy Osbourne-I don’t wanna stop
36. Natalya’s theme song:Jim Johnson-New Foundation
35. WWE No mercy 2008:Metallica-All nightmare long
34. WWE Summerslam 2009 theme song:Aerosmith-You gotta move
33. ECW theme song:Drowing Pool-Bodies
32. Triple H’s theme song:Motorhead-King of Kings
31. RVD’s theme song:Breaking Point-One of a kind
30. WWE Wrestlemania 24 theme song I :Rev Theory-Light it up
29. WWE No way out 2008:Seether-Fake it
28. WWE Wrestlemania 26 theme song III :AC/DC-Thunderstruck
27. Chris Benoit’s theme song:Our Lady Place-Whatever
26. D-Generation X’s theme song:Rage Against the Machine-Break it down
25. WWE Over the Limit 2010 theme song:Fit For Rivals-Crash
24. CM Punk’s theme song:Killswitch-Fire burns
23. WWE Summerslam 2008 theme song:Jet Black Stare-Ready to Roll
22. Stone Cold Steve Austin:Disturbed-Glass Shatters
21. Randy Orton’s theme song:Rev Theory-Voices
20. WWE Wrestlemania 22 theme song I:Shinedown-I dare you
19. WWE Survivor Series 2008 theme song:AC/DC-Spoilin’ for a fight
18. WWE Breaking Point 2009 theme song:Lynyrd Skynyrd-Still unbroken
17. WWE Unforgiven 2007 theme song:Alter Bridge-Rise Today
16. CM Punk’s theme song:Living Colours-Cult of personality
15. Triple H’s theme song for WM 27:Metallica-For whom the bell tools
14. WWE Wrestlemania 25 theme song I :AC/DC-Shoot the thrill
13. The Undertaker’s theme song from WM 27:Johnny Cash-Ain’t no grave
12. WWE Unforgiven 2008 theme song-Motorhead-Rock out
11. WWE Summerslam 2005 theme song:Seether-Remedy
10. WWE Judgement Day 2009 theme song:Buckcherry-Rescue me
9. Triple H’s theme song:Motorhead-The Game
8. WWE Royal Rumble 2008 theme song-Airbourne-Stand up for rock n’roll
7. WWE Survivor Series 2009 theme song:Art of Dying-Get thru this
6. Christian’s theme song:Waterproof blonde-Just close your eyes
5. Shawn Michaels’s theme song:Shawn Michaels-Sexy boy
4. Edge’s theme song:Metaligus-Alter Bridge
3. WWE Night of champions 2008 theme song:Shinedown-Devour
2. WWE One night stand 2008 theme song:Rev Theory-Hell yeah
1. Evolution’s theme song:Motorhead-Evolution
Iar acum o lista(foto) cu wrestlerii care apar in acest top: