joi, 11 octombrie 2012

You should know:Twisted Sister-Burn in hell

Multi dintre voi vor cunoaste deja melodiile de la aceasta rubrica cu un titlu atat de evident,dar o puteti considera un fel de “jurnal personal” in care va destainui rusinea de a nu cunoaste melodii atat de bune de mai mult timp.Imi place sa cred ca sunt unii care nu le cunosc in ani de zile si ca in mai putin de 2 ani am dobandit un bagaj destul de greu de cunostiinte muzicale,dar,da,niciodata nu e de ajuns.In acelasi timp mi-ar placea sa fiu de ajutor cel putin unora cu aceasta rubrica,mai ales celor care sunt “boboci” intr-ale muzicii rock(bune in general)si cei care nu stiu decat sa comenteze ceva de genu’ “Stiam melodia asta de mult.” mai bine nu,de asta am scris si aceasta descriere suplimentara.
Ascultam melodii ca “We’re not gonna take it” sau “I wanna rock” de mult timp,dar la fiecare ascultare asociam vocea solistului cu altcineva,am aflat cine e Dee Snider dupa ce am citit un articol de tot c*catu’ in care celebra sa freza era comparata cu una pe care a afisat-o Christina Aguilera la nu stiu ce eveniment acu’ 10 ani...mdea.Au urcat repede in topul preferintelor,dar da,mai sunt melodii pe care nu le cunosc,”Burn in hell” e una dintre ele.Da,stiu,a fost mare hit,una dintre cele mai cunoascute melodii a lor da uite ca eu una chiar nu stiam de ea,si lucrand la un top care va aparea pe blog in curand(nu foarte curand)am descoperit-o,reconfirmandu-mi ca mereu e loc de mai bine.Melodia face parte de pe albumul Stay Hungry,”Burn in hell” fiind unul din single’uri,pe albumul Puritanical Euphoric Misathropia al trupei Dimmu Borgir aparand in cover al melodiei.


 Welcome to the abandoned land
Come on in child, take my hand
Here there's no work or play
Only one bill to pay
There's just five words to say
As you go down, down, down

you gonna burn in hell
Oh, burn in hell

You can't believe all the things i've done wrong in my life
Without even trying i've lived on the edge of a knife
Well, i've played with fire, but i don't want to get myself burned
To thine own self be true, so i think that it's time for a turn

Before I burn in hell
Oh, burn in hell

Take a good look in your heart, tell me what do you see?
It's black and it's dark, now is that how you want it to be?
It's up to you, what you do will decide your own fate
Make your choice now for tomorrow may be far too late

And then you'll burn in hell
Hear no evil, don't you
See no evil, don't you
(Oh, burn in hell)
Lay no evil down on me
You're gonna burn in hell
Speak no evil, don't you
Think no evil, don't you
(Oh, burn in hell)
Play with evil, 'cause i'm free

Hear no evil, don't you
See no evil, don't you
Lay no evil down on me
You're gonna burn in hell
Speak no evil, don't you
Think no evil, don't you
Play with evil, 'cause i'm free
You're gonna burn in hell
Hear no evil, don't you
See no evil, don't you
Lay no evil down on me
You're gonna burn in hell
Speak no evil, don't you
Think no evil, don't you
Play with evil, 'cause i'm free
You're gonna burn in hell

Hear no evil, don't you see no evil
(Oh, burn in hell)
don't you lay no evil down on me
You're gonna burn in hell
Speak no evil, don't you think no evil,
(Oh, burn in hell)
Don't you play with evil, 'cause i'm free
You're gonna burn in hell
Hear no evil, don't you see no evil
(oh, burn in hell)
Don't you lay no evil down on me
You're gonna burn in hell

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