luni, 20 august 2012

Hot as a rock:Van Halen-Hot for teacher

Probabil cel mai discutat si interzis(am incercat sa nu mai folosesc termenul de “controversat” cantec Van Halen,”Hot for teacher” face parte de pe albumul 1984,cel mai bine vandut album al trupei si fiind undeva in primele 3 cand vine vorba de cantece Van Halen(in opinia mea).Criticilor care se pare ca au fost cam prea...critici cu acesta nu le-a scapat nici macar faptul ca solo’ul de tobe de la inceputul cantecului este cea cam lung,acesta fiind si una din emblemele melodiilor Van Halen,disputa din jurul vidoeclipului si a ideii generale de a prezenta o femeie dezbracata ca fiind profesoara este deja arhi-cunoscuta,Parents Music Resource Center protestand si spunand ca “vidoclipul deformeaza viziunea elevului fata de cadrul didactic”(n-am avut ghinionu’ de a ma amoreza de nici un profesor,nici macar in clasele I-IV avand o greata patologica fata de ei,nu am facut-o nici dupa aceasta melodie in cazul fetelor fiind ceva mai greu,singurii profesori,barbati,din dotare fiind cei de sport sau religie(cel putin in cazul meu),si pentru popi nu am dezvoltat inca o pasiune pentru chelia asezonata cu ceara din urechi a profului de sport,deci sunt putin indignata cand aud acest cantec).Datorita acestui protest(nu stiu in ce masura) si a continutului “sexual”,au fost lansate diferite petitii pentru ca melodia sa fie scoasa din grila radio si de la TV,videoclip’ul fiind principala problema a multora,intelegerea versurilor nefiind nici atunci primordiala.Si cum un cantec bun vine la pachet cu orice fel de scandal,”Hot for teacher” a fost ales al 36’lea cel mai bun cantec Hard Rock de catre VH1.


 Oh, wow, man, I said
Wait a second, man
What do you think the teacher's gonna look like this year?
Fuck man!

Oh yeah!

T-T-teacher stop that screamin'
Teacher don't you see?
Don't wanna be no uptown fool
Maybe I should go to hell
But I am doing well
Teacher needs to see me after school

I think of all the education that I've missed
But then my homework was never quite like this!

Ow! Got it bad,
Got it bad,
Got it bad,
I'm hot for teacher!
I've got it bad, so bad
I'm hot for teacher!

Hey, I heard you missed us
We're back! (Hey!)
I brought my pencil
Give me something to write on, man!



I heard about your lessons
But lessons are so cold
I didn't know about this school
Little girl from Cherry Lawn
How can you be so bold?
How did you know that golden rule?

I think of all the education that I've missed
But then my homework was never quite like this!

Whoa! Got it bad,
Got it bad,
Got it bad,
I'm hot for teacher!
I've got it bad, so bad
I'm hot for teacher!

(Guitar Solo)

Oh man, I think the clock is slow
(What are you doin' this weekend?) I don't feel tardy
Class dismissed!

I've got it bad,
Got it bad,
Got it bad,
I'm hot for teacher!

I've got it bad,
Got it bad,
Got it bad,
I'm hot for teacher!

Oh! Ooh, yes I'm hot

Oh! Ooh, yes I'm hot

Oh my God!

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