vineri, 10 august 2012

Living after 00’s:Apocalyptica feat. Brent Smith-Not strong enough:

Am inceput sa ascult Apocalyptica de curand,eram inca in lumea in care numele trupei o facea ciudata,geniala sau de neascultat si acum doi ani avand inca mintea putrezita de atatea idiotenii mi-am zis ca e “ciudata”,judecand dupa nume,nestiind ce au realizat si ce canta cu adevarat baietii astia.De Shinedown am auzit si mai de curand,habar n-am cum am dat de ei dar stiu ca prima melodie a fost “I dare you” si dupa aceea nu m-am mai oprit.Ambele trupe sunt foarte bune,au stiluri foarte diferite si imi plac al naibii de mult.Nu intalnesti foarte multe colaborari in muzica rock,fiecare artist avand stilul lui,nefiind facut la martita ca pe alte meleaguri “muzicale”,si neavand nevoie de “un al doilea” pentru a face ceva bun.
Revenind,cum teoretic Apocalyptica are nevoie de un solist(practic se descurca de minune si asa),pentru al 3’lea single de pe ultimul album lansat acum doi ani,7th Symphony,melodia fiind si ea lansata pe 1 Noiembrie 2010,acestia au colaborat cu Brant Smith,solistul Shinedown,si n-as fi crezut ca vocea lui se va potrivii vreodata pe asa instrumente,dar iata ca a mers,a mers foarte bine.Datorita anumitor probleme cu casa de discuri,cantecul nu a fost lansat cu Brent Smith ca solist,cel ce i-a luat locul fiind Doug Robb,melodia a fost inregistrata din nou si a fost relansata pe 18 Ianuarie 2011.


 I'm not strong enough to stay away
Can't run from you
I'd just run back to you
Like a moth I'm drawn into your flame
You say my name but it's not the same
You look in my eyes
I'm stripped of my pride
And my soul surrenders
And you bring my heart to its knees

And it's killing me when you're away
And I wanna leave
And I wanna stay
And I'm so confused
So hard to choose between the pleasure and the pain
And I know it's wrong
And I know it's right
And even if I tried to win the fight
My heart would overrule my mind
And I'm not strong enough to stay away

I'm not strong enough to stay away
What can I do
I would die without you
In your presence my heart knows no shame
I'm not to blame
'Cause you bring my heart to its knees
[. From: .]
And it's killing me when you're away
And I wanna leave
And I wanna stay
And I'm so confused
So hard to choose between the pleasure and the pain
And I know it's wrong
And I know it's right
And even if I tried to win the fight
My heart would overrule my mind
And I'm not strong enough to stay away

There's nothing I can do
My heart is chained to you
And I can't get free
Look what this love has done to me

'Cause it's killing me when you're away
And I wanna leave
And I wanna stay
And I'm so confused
So hard to choose between the pleasure and the pain
And I know it's wrong
And I know it's right
And even if I tried to win the fight
My heart would overrule my mind
And I'm not strong enough to stay away

2 comentarii:

  1. Ascult des melodia asta, a ramas una dintre preferatele mele.

  2. Nu am ascultat pana acum Apocalyptica, dar cu postarea asta si melodia , m-ai facut curioasa :->
