duminică, 6 ianuarie 2013

Always in Charts:Smokie-Living next door to Alice

Si daca tot am inceput o “desfasurare de forte” cu melodii Smokie pe Facebook,m-am gandit sa aduc si in atentia voastra cea mai cunoscuta melodia a uneia dintre cele mai bune “trupe din umbra” a tuturor timpurilor.Fara scandaluri,controverse,fara sa fie o prezenta saptamanala in ziarele de scandal ci doar prin munca sustinuta si muzica de calitate,Smokie au reusit sa duca termenul de “trupa” la alt nivel,cel putin pentru mine,Smokie ramanand astfel prima si singura trupa a carei discografie o puteam asculta in intregime inca de la o varsta frageda cand muzica buna inseamna inamicul.”Living next door to Alice”,printre multe compozitii aproape de perfectiune facute de britanici ramane una dintre cele mai bune si nu cu mult timp am aflat ca aceasta este defapt un cover,varianta originala fiind scrisa de Nicky Chinn si Mike Chapman.In acest caz,avem in atentie un alt cover care este evident mai bun decat originalul.Extrasa de pe albumul Midnight Cafè,in versurile melodiei gasim o poveste clasica de iubire neimpartasita pe care “el” i-o poarta lui Alice care la un moment dat pleaca fara sa apuce sa-i spuna ce simte cu adevarat pentru ea.In final il macina regretul ca in 24 de ani cat a avut-o aproape nu a avut curajul de a-i recunoaste ca o iubeste.Cu un succes evident mai mare decat cel simtit de varianta originala a melodiei,”Living next door to Alice” in compozitia celor de la Smokie a debutat pe locul 25 in Billboard 100 si a fost numarul 1 in Australia,Irlanda,Elvetia,Austria,Suedia si Norvegia.Asta nu i-a impiedicat pe alti artisti sa faca si ei propriile incercari de reusita cu aceasta melodie,astfel,in acelasi an fiind inregistrata si varianta in finlandeza a acestui cantec.


 Sally called when she got the word,
And she said: "I suppose you've heard -
About Alice".
When I rushed to the window,
And I looked outside,
And I could hardly believe my eyes -
As a big limousine rolled up
Into Alice's drive...

Oh, I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go,
I guess she's got her reasons,
But I just don't want to know,
'Cos for twenty-four years
I've been living next door to Alice.
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,
To tell her how I feel, and maybe get a second glance,
Now I've got to get used to not living next door to Alice...

We grew up together,
Two kids in the park,
We carved our initials,
Deep in the bark,
Me and Alice.
Now she walks through the door,
With her head held high,
Just for a moment, I caught her eye,
As a big limousine pulled slowly
Out of Alice's drive.

Oh, I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go,
I guess she's got her reasons,
But I just don't want to know,
'Cos for twenty-four years
I've been living next door to Alice.
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,
To tell her how I feel, and maybe get a second glance,
Now I gotta get used to not living next door to Alice...

And Sally called back and asked how I felt,
And she said: "I know how to help -
Get over Alice".
She said: "Now Alice is gone,
But I'm still here,
You know I've been waiting
For twenty-four years..."
And a big limousine dissapeared...

I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go,
I guess she's got her reasons,
But I just don't want to know,
'Cos for twenty-four years
I've been living next door to Alice.
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,
To tell her how I feel, and maybe get a second glance,
But I'll never get used to not living next door to Alice...

Now I'll never get used to not living next door to Alice...

2 comentarii:

  1. Răspunsuri
    1. Gompie si-au pus intrebarea asta inca de acu' 18 ani.
      Poate duduia de care era indragostit tipu'...ai,ce zici de asta?:>
