"Always in charts" este o noua gaselnita a creierului si avand in vedere ca "Melodia zilei" era ceva ca formal m-am gandit sa mai schimbam putin lucrurile pe aici si in aceasta ramura a "Melodiei zilei" voi trece hit'urile ce au consacrat anumite trupe/artisti.Bine,nu ma opresc aici...mai urmeaza unele "rubrici" extrase original din "Melodia zilei",una din ele fiind ideea lui DarkEmpire.
Cat despre melodie;
Eram la inceputul periplului meu in jungla numit "muzica buna" si intalneam multe "satane" care imi vorbeau de Motley Crue si dupa ce imi tineau o prelegere plictisitoare din care eu intelegeam ca au muzica misto,un bassis sexy si un blond la microfon nu ramaneam cu nimic asa ca am zis sa vad si eu cu ce se mananca Motley Crue si...da,mi-a placut la nebunie.
Si poate ca nu este una din primele trupe rock pe care le-am ascultat dar chiar pot sa spun ca imi plac baietii astia si apreciez tare mult trupele care te pot face sa de dezlantui,sa te scuturi,dai din cap,bei tipi etc etc prin niste melodii mai mult decat nebune... si te pot face sa plangi,sa iti rascoleasca sufletul cu lopatica si sa iti terzeasca cele mai cretine amintiri prin balade superbe.
Ok,nu mai laud trupa ci va zic cate ceva despre melodie:
Al 5'lea album al trupei poarta numele melodiei si este primul single extras de pe el,lansat pe 28 August 1989 iar "Dr. Feelgood" este un nene pe nume Jimmy care vinde "vise" mexicanilor si in Hollywood...
Melodia a fost un real succes si cel mai mare din istoria trupei.
A fost o premiera pentru baieti cand single'ul a urcat pe pozitia 6 in Billboard Hot 100 pe 28 Octombrie al acelui an si nu doar o premiera ci cea mai buna clasare a lor pana in momentul de fata.In Noiembrie albumul a fost certificat cu aur iar single'ul este singurul cantec al trupei certificat cu aur.In 2009 a fost plasat pe locul 15 in Top'ul 100 Greatest Hard Rock Song off All Time,top facut de VH1.
Aaa si aproape am uitat...a fost scris de Mars si Nikki.
Rat-tailed Jimmy is a second hand hood
Deals out in Hollywood
Got a '65 Chevy, primered flames
Traded for some powdered goods
Jigsaw Jimmy he's the one in the game
But I hear he's doin' o.k.
Got a cozy little job selling the Mexican mob
Packages the candycaine
He's the one they call Dr. Feel good
He's the one that makes ya feel all right
He's the one they call Dr. Feel good
Cops on the corner always ignore
Somebody's getting paid
Jimmy's got it wired, law's for hire
Got it made in the shade
Got a little hideaway, does business all day
But at night he'll always be found
Sellin' sugar to the sweet
People on the street
Call this Jimmy's town
He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood
He's the one that makes ya feel all right
He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood
He's gonna be your Frankenstein
I've got one thing you'll understand
(Dr. Feelgood)
he's not what you'd call a glamorous man
(Dr. Feelgood)
Got one thing that's easily understood
(Dr. Feelgood)
He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood
Oh yeah
He'll tell you he's the king
Of these barrio streets
Moving up the shangri-la
Came by his wealth as a matter of luck
Says he never broke no law
Two time loser running out of juice
Time to move out quick
Heard a rumour going round
Jimmy's going down
This time it's gonna stick
He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood
He's the one that makes ya feel all right
He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood
He's gonna be your Frankenstein
Let him soothe your soul, just take his hand
(Dr. Feelgood)
Some people call him an evil man
(Dr. Feelgood)
Let him introduce himself real good
(Dr. Feelgood)
He's the only one they call Feelgood
(SPOKEN) Listen to Jimmy,
Come play with Dr.Feelgood....
I've got one thing you'll understand
(Dr. Feelgood)
he's not what you'd call a glamorous man
(Dr. Feelgood)
Got one thing that's easily understood
(Dr. Feelgood)
He's the one they call Dr. Feel good
oh yeah
Dr. Feelgood (Dr. Feelgood)
Dr. Feelgood (Dr. Feelgood)
Dr. Feelgood (Dr. Feelgood)
Enjoy this masterpiece!
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