joi, 27 decembrie 2012

Ladies sounds good:Sinèad O’Connor-Nothing compares 2U

Cu un single “imprumutat” de la Prince,initial conceput pentru grupul sau The Family,Sinèad O’Connor a devenit rapid senzatia tuturor posturilor muzicale de la inceputul anilor ’90.Exstrasa de pe albumul I do not want what I haven’t got,”Nothing compares to you” s-a clasat in top 5 in top-urile din 10 tari,in timp ce videoclipul melodiei era discutat ca fiind unul dintre cele mai bune ale tuturor timpurilor.Nu stiu daca trecerea intre doua decade decisive pentru muzica de calitate a facut acest lucru posibil,dar melodia s-a bucurat de un succes nesperat.Din nou,nu stiu nici daca videoclipul a fost atat de apreciat datorita abilitatilor lui Sinèad de a transforma fiecare vers intr-o expresie faciala,a ochilor sai care te hipnotizeaza sau a celor doua lacrimi care apar odata cu versurile "All the flowers that you planted, Mother/in the back yard/All died when you went away"(care,dupa spusele regizorului John Maybury nici nu trebuiau sa fie prezente dar relatia nu tocmai buna pe care a avut-o cu mama sa care o batea in copilarie a facut-o pe Sinèad sa nu si le poata stapanii) dar acesta a devenit unul dintre cele mai usor de recunoscut din intreaga istorie muzicala,nu doar din anii ’90.Pe langa expresivitatea demna de o actrita de prima mana de la Hollywood de care Sinèad da dovada,in vidoclip surprindem si cateva imagini din Paris cat si coperta albumului de pe care face parte aceasta melodie.In 1990 videoclipul melodiei a fost votat “Video of the year” la MTV Video Music Awards,Sinèad O’Connor devenind astfel prima cantareata care primeste acest premiu cat si Best Female Video si Best Post-Modern Video.In 2004,revista Rolling Stones a plasat cantecul pe pozitia 162 in top-ul lor 500 Greatest Songs of All Time,top in care mai sunt doar doua cantece din anii ’90 pozitionate mai sus,in 2002 VH1 l-a pozitionat pe 18 in Top 100 Greatest One-Hit Wonder,pe 10 in 100 Greatest Songs of the 90’s si pe 1 in Top 50 Heartbreakers.A fost premiat cu platina in Suedia,USA,Austria si UK si cu aur in Germania.

It's been seven hours and fifteen days
since you took your love away
I go out every night and sleep all day
since you took your love away
since you've been gone I can do whatever I want
I can see whomever I choose
I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant
but nothing
I said nothing can take away these blues,

'cause nothing compares
nothing compares to you

It's been so lonely without you here
like a bird without a song
nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
tell me baby where did I go wrong?
I could put my arms round every boy I see
but they'd only remind me of you
I went to the doctor guess what he told me
guess what he told me
he said girl you better try to have fun
no matter what you do
but he's a fool

'cause nothing compares
nothing compares to you

All the flowers that you planted mother
in the backyard
all died when you went away
I know that living with you, baby, was sometimes hard
but I'm willing to give it another try

nothing compares
nothing compares to you (3x)

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