sâmbătă, 8 decembrie 2012

Saturday Rocks:80 Greatest Van Halen Songs

“Trupa minune” a Americii,Van Halen s-a numarat printre putinele care au avut ceva de spus inca de la primul album,lansat in 1978,Van Halen este considerat o capodopera a genului,avand toate elementele definitorii pentru o viitoare legenda.Formata de fratii Van Halen(Alex si Eddie) in ’72,trupa se bucura si azi de un succes enorm alaturi de solistul ce i-a cosacrat,David Lee Roth,albumul A different kind of truth,ultimul din discografia lor avand vanzari record in prima saptamana.Sunt multe de spus despre Van Halen si ar dura o vesnicie si cateva zeci de postari pentru a cuprinde adevaratul spirit al trupei.Melodiile lor o fac cel mai bine avand grija sa isi dezvolte un stil mult prea greu de copiat.

80 Greatest Van Halen Songs:
78.Dirty water dog
77.You and your blues
76.Big fat money
75.Right now
74.Fire in the hole
73.Beats workin’
71.Year to the day
70.Without you
69.How many say I
68.She’s the woman
67.Black and Blue
66.Finish what ya started
65.House of pain
63.Man on a mission
62.In n’out
61.Spanish fly
58.Judgement day
57.Get up
56.Not enough
55.The trouble with never
54.Best of Both Worlds
53.Hang ‘em high
52.Girl gone bad
51.Feels so good
50.When it’s love
49.I’ll wait
48.Drop dead legs
47.In a simple rhyme
46.Take your whiskey home
45.One foot out the door
44.Can’t stop lovin’ you
43.Somebody get me a doctor
42.Don’t tell me
40.On fire
39.Women in love
38.Sinner’s Swing
37.Hear about it later
34.Romeo Delight
32.Everybody wants some
31.Top of the world
30.So this is love?
28.Loss of control
27.Could this be magic
26.You’re no good
25.Love walks in
23.Good enough
22.Happy Trails
21.I’m the one
20.Where have all the good times gone
19.Summer nights
18.Mine all mine
16.Dance the nigh away
15.And the cradle will rock
14.Dancing in the street
13.Top Jimmy
11.Ice cream man
10.Beautiful girls
9.Running with the devil
8.Atomic Punk
7.Jamie’s Cryin
4.Mean street
3.Ain’t talkin’ ‘bout love
2.Hot for teacher
1.You really got me

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