Melodia zilei:AC/DC-Rock your heart out
Am stat si m-am gandit,si iar m-am gandit ce melodie sa pun la "melodia zilei" si nu mi-am dat seama ca am raspunsul era chiar in casti:))Am scris AC/DC-Rock your heart out si inca nu stiu ce descriere sa-i pun.Doar e vorba de AC/DC,nici nu stiu de ce imi e asa de greu.
Parerea mea:
Nu stiam de existenta acestei melodii ,dar odata intr-o buna zi cand cautam prin sertarele prafuite unde ascund tone de CD'uri am gasit un...CD(o comoara) cu 150 melodii parca facute pentru mine.Melodia aceasta nu o stiam dar,din fericire(pentru mine) si pacat(pentru vecini) era undeva printre primele 5 melodii daca nu ma insel chiar prima.Am ascultat o mi-a placut si de atunci(ma mir) nu am primit nici o reclamatie de la vecini:))
(Ooh yeah
Ooooooh yeah, yeah
Got the devil in you
Got the devil in me
Play a dangerous tune
Come on and dance with thee
You got to throw your fists up
Shout your mouth out
Beat the walls down
Got to freak out
Rock your little
Rock your little
Rock your little heart out
yeah, yeah)
(You gotta rock it on down)
(yeah down)
Got everything you want
Got everything you need
Don't worry about the cost
Just sell your soul to me
You gotta bring the house down
Beat the drums loud
Bleed your life dry
Climb on lets fly
Rock your little
Rock your little
Rock your little heart out
Rock, rock your little heart out
(Rock it on down)
(ooh yeah)
(Cut your teeth on this)
You gotta put your foot down
Beat your chest hard
Blow your brains out
Feel her shout loud
You gotta rock your heart out
Rock your heart out
Rock your heart out
Rock your heart out
Rock, rock your little heart out
Rock, rock your little heart out
You rock it on down, ooh yeah
Rock a little, rock a little heart out, yeah, yeah
you gotta
rock your heart out (x4)
rock, rock, rock your heart out (x4)
you gotta
rock your little (x3)
heart out
you gotta rock your little heart
right, right out
nu stiu de ce nu am vazut decat acum asta. Nici eu nu stiam de melodie, dar mersi, datorita tie acum nu pot sa ascult decat melodia asta. HELL YEAH!!! surprinzator pana acum nu mia batut de loc baba de la 3 in teava.
RăspundețiȘtergereWai ce-mi place cand va dezvalui noutati.
Ciudata faza cu baba:|.