Melodia zilei:Bon Jovi-We weren't born to follow
We weren't born to follow este pen-ultimul hit a celor de la Bon Jovi,ultimul fiind "What do you got?"(o melodie absolut superba).Bine,paraca il injunghie pe Richie cu acel microfon,da' asta e alta parte:))
Parerea mea:
Este in top 10 melodii favorite ,iar Bon Jovi este trupa mea de suflet.Pur si simplu te prind melodiile lor si "We weren't born to follow"cred ca este singura melodie care ma ridica si ma afce sa merg mai departe.E singura melodie care imi spune:"Ce faci tu acolo?Misca-ti fundu' odata iesi afara si tipa in gura mare ca esti "the best"."Ascult-o si tu macar odata:)) si o sa realizezi ce zic.Videoclip lansat in 2009.Mi se pare ca arata mai bine decat in anii 80':))
This one goes out to the man who mines for miracles
This one goes out to the ones in need
This one goes out to the sinner and the cynical
This ain't about no apology
This road was paved by the hopeless and the hungry
This road was paved by the winds of change
Walking beside the guilty and the innocent
How will you raise your hand when they call your name?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
We weren't born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that your saints and sinners bleed
We weren't born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah
This one's about anyone who does it differently
This one's about the one who cusses and spits
This ain't about our livin' in a fantasy
This ain't about givin' up or givin' in
Yeah, yeah, yeah
We weren't born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that your saints and sinners bleed
We weren't born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah
We weren't born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that your saints and sinners bleed
We weren't born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah
We weren't born to follow, oh yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah)
We weren't born to follow, oh yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah)
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