Si uite cum trecem de la Heavy Metal pur la pop!
"Ce face?!",da pop nu va mirati asa ca daca trageti o fuga prin arhiva blogului gasiti si o X-Tina asa ca nu e un capat de tara.Chiar daca nu face parte din stilul care ma carcterizeaza pe mine si acest blog,Celine Dion si piesa "I'm alive"raman unele din putinele parti,sa le spunem asa din industria muzicala ce inca mai inspira pasiune,emotie si iti trezeste amintiri(mie una,placute).
Parerea mea:
Cum am mai spus ,in ziua de azi sunt rare cazurile ca o melodie ADEVARATA sa depaseasca 50.000.000 pe YouTube,dar nu asta conteaza,conteaza ca mai sunt cativa ce apreciaza muzica buna."I'm alive" o pot numii cu lejeritate melodia mea favorita ce nu face parte din stilul rock,mai sunt vreo 2 de'a lui Celine si de asta o numesc si pe ea una dintre canatretele mele preferate,ce mai adopta si stilul pop-rock.O melodie linistita dar totusi ritmata pe care poti,dansa,poti plange si poti rade in aceelasi timp.
Pentru mine asta inseamna o melodie adevarata!
I get wings to fly... Oh-oh
I'm alive... yeah.. yeah
When you call for me
When I hear you breath
I get wings to fly...
I feel that I'm alive
When you look at me
I can touch the sky
I know that
I'm alive
Ohh... Ooh.... alive
When you blessed the day
I just drift away
All my world is right
I'm glad that I'm alive
You set my heart on fire
Filled me with love
Made me a woman
I'm glad you're back
I couldn't get much higher
My spirit takes flight
(My spirit takes flight)
Because I'm alive
(Because I'm alive)
Ooh... never bound
(When you call on me)
When you call on me
(When I hear you breathe)
When I hear you breathe
Versuri Celine Dion - I'm alive
de pe http://www.versuri.ro
(I get wings to fly...)de pe http://www.versuri.ro
I feel that I'm alive
Oh yeah, I'm alive.
(When you reach for me)
When you reach for me
(Erases fear inside)
Loves knows that
That I'll be the one standing by
Through good and through tiring times
And it's only begun
I can't wait for the rest of my life
(When you call for me)
When you call on me
(When you reach for me)
When you reach for me
(I get wings to fly...)
(I feel that...)
(When you blessed the day)
When you blessed, you blessed the day
(I just drift away)
I just drift away
(All my world is dark)
I know that... I'm alive
I get wings to fly
God knows that I'm alïve...
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