sâmbătă, 5 februarie 2011
Melodia zilei:Joan Jett & The Blackhearts-I love rock n'roll
Melodia zilei-Joan Jett & The Blackhearts-I love rock n'roll
Se pare ca o tin din melodie legendara in melodie legendara:))
Dupa "Bohemian Rhapsody" de la Queen a venit randul melodiei "I love rock n'roll".Melodie ce a condus generatii ,una dintre cele mai cunoscute melodii ale lumii(nu exagerez).Nu ai cum sa nu stii melodia asta.Poate nu ai YouTube ,poate nu ai nici TV:))Da' nu conteaza,oricum ai auzit,oricum o sti si oricum stii sa zici:"I love Rock N'Roll so put another dime in the Jukebox ,baby".Sau poate stii sa zici doar "I love Rock N'Roll",nu conteaza,conteaza ca iubesti rock'ul:)).
Parerea mea:
Pe vremea cand eram eu "repparitza" , "smekera de kartyer" si ii numeam pe cei ce asculta muzica devarata ca sunt satanisti ascultam melodia,imi placea si o fredonam toata ziua.Bine,nu toata melodia doar celebrul vers de la refren:)).Da' zicea ca iubesc rock'ul,chiar daca eu nu il iubeam.Realizati ca daca o cantam atunci acum vecinii deja stiu ce urmeaza.Si acum pentru a iesii din visare,tin sa reamintesc ca "multi-talentata" domnsoara' Britney Spears a tinut neaprata sa-si bage coditele ei blonde intr'o melodie adevarata.Si-a pus nadrageii de piele a facut rost de unu' cu un bass si pleata mare ,cateva boxe Marshall si... hai sa cantam rock.Stiu ca nu vede ce scriu aici,dar numai pentru amuzamentul dumneavoastra ii voi lasa un mesaj scris.
Chiar ca Ooops...You did it again nu mai bine ramaneai tu la melodiile tale cu vociulita ta de privighetoare in gradina pop'ului?De ce a trebuit sa distrugi euforia bietilor rockeri care chiar se bucurau de melodie?De ce ai facut ca mereu cand bat pe YouTube"I love rock n'roll" imi apare pleata ta blonda?Cam prea multe semne de intrebare pentru capsoru' mov?Da...asa ziceam si eu.
I saw him dancing there by the record machine
I knew he must have been about seventeen
The beat was going strong,
playing my favorite song
And I could tell it wouldn't be long
till he was with me, yeah, me
And I could tell it wouldn't be long
till he was with me, yeah, me, singin'
I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and take your time and dance with me
He smiled, so I got up and asked for his name
"That don't matter," he said,
"'cause it's all the same."
I said, "Can I take you home
where we can be alone?"
And next we were moving on
and he was with me, yeah, me
Next we were moving on
and he was with me, yeah, me, singin'
I said, "Can I take you home
where we can be alone?"
And next we were moving on
and he was with me, yeah, me, singin'
I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and take your time and dance with
I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and take your time and dance with
I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and take your time and dance with
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